"it happens" - forest Gump

"it happens" - forest Gump

Monday 18 June 2012

Måndag memo

 Hi all!  How is your Monday?

"It's a new day, it's a new dawn and I'm feeling fine!"

It has been a super sunny day here in the Western Cape today.  It is a bit cold today.  No use in complaining though, it will be hot again by October!  At least you sort of know that it will be hot here again, weather wise, when the summer season is here again in South Africa.  Not like other continents in the world, where it is cold even in the height of their summer season.

Jack Osbourne vows to ‘adapt and overcome’ after being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis

Terrible news to hear that Jack is not well.  I know about 3 or 4 people with this awful disease, not good!

Romeo, next door's cat, has been here most of today again.  So nothing new regarding him!

I exercised today - it really makes you feel good!  Getting moving prevents all sorts of diseases but unfortunately not all of them!

Anyway on that happy thought, I shall Bid y'all a fond farewell!

Signing off for all my blogs for today.  Have a magnificent day further folks!


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