"it happens" - forest Gump

"it happens" - forest Gump

Thursday 5 July 2012

"To Thursday !" "Para o xoves!"

Some of the humour on the side of one of their Boeing 737 aircraft

More humour on a kulula.com 737!  I like this budget Airline in South Africa
They are super! You get a 20kg baggage allowance, friendly cabin crew and a great service on this airline.

Fly away!?!

This case was on television lat night on an m-net crime series about South African crimes.
Why people destroy lives for a car, who knows?  This was a  car high jacking gone oh so wrong.

Another international carrier stops some of it's flights into CPT Airpot.  This time because of German regulations regarding night flights into or out of Frankfurt Airport 

My "sister", Elaine's Spa, where I had a facial this morning.
Rejuva Spa
Hi all!  How has your first Thursday in the month of July 2012 been?

It has been a cold but a super sunny day here in Bloubergstrand, today.

Romeo, next door's cat,  was desperately searching for his "bed" (a blanket from Dubai) this morning when he came for his breakfast.  It is so funny how cat's own things, and search for them, even in a neighbours house!?!

I am a strong believer in holistic healing, the body as one, whatever you do to your body in a positive way promotes overall health in you body, mind and soul!

Tonight I will be cooking, Lamb Curry Hotpot, alnlyb,d-ab,majb and r1blog's recipe for this week.  I love cooking, I used to really enjoy baking too, but baking is a bit boring to me these days.  In 1997 I made a chocolate Chiffon Cake from a Myrna Rosen cook book,  for the radiology staff at the Sandton Oncology Centre, where I was a patient at the time.  There is something wholesome about food and what it does for someone!  At least that is my opinion anyway.  I have a food and catering diploma from Oxbridge Academy. that I studied for via corresponce in 2002?  but that never got me a job?  Maybe I was always destined to be a no pay, charity worker?  Yes, I think we are all destined to do certain things in our life,

Unfortunately folks that's all from me for this Thursday Afternoon!  Have a super day further y'all

Signing off from blogging for today!


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