"it happens" - forest Gump

"it happens" - forest Gump

Monday 27 August 2012

A Monday Memo

Hi folks!  How is your last Monday for August 2012?

It is a super sunny day here in Bloubergstrand (my home )/Melkbos (where the Birkenhead Shopping Shopping Centre is) today.  It is a bit cool but it is not too cold during the daytime, seeing as how spring starts in a few days!  I will have to get my Speedos out of retirement?  Hang on a minute, when it is finally nice and balmy warm here, I will be back home from my trip to Europe.  Speedos may look like a Banana Hammock but they dry incredibly quickly unlike board shorts! Australian life Guards wear Speedos which is a great idea!  Why?  Beacause you can swim faster (the other things get water logged and create drag in water), and you do not get chaffing on your legs from your wet board shorts?  Now that I have explained the advantages of banana hammocks , perhaps that style of swim wear will come back into fashion?

I now have a grand Total of R11-14 on my Ad Dynamo account.  They were right (Ad Dynamo), the paid tweets help your balance increase quickly, but will I actually get paid out when I have reached my R100 payment threshold?

Unfortunately that is all from me for today!  Have a magnificent Monday further folks, and once again thank you for reading my blog posting for today, Thank you and Dubai!

Signing off from blogging for today.


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