"it happens" - forest Gump

"it happens" - forest Gump

Thursday 30 August 2012

Final Thursday

Hi all!  How is your Thursday?

It is a lovely sunny day and not too cold today either here in Bloubergstrand.  You can feel it in the air that spring is on it's merry way.  Yeeha I am a bit tired of winter apparel by now.

There is currently a campaign to not fly with SAA (South African  Airways) on Face book due to SAA's disgusting policy of not employing white employees.  SAA have had this policy since 1994 but is it a bit late now to stop flying with them?  They have not been in the best financial situation for years but the government keeps giving them cash injections despite them announcing to the public that they won't support loss making SAA anymore!  Is "Africa's Warmest Welcome" (their slogan) going to be closed down by this face book campaign if folks do not fly with them?  We the people have spoken and the people who have taken a stand seem to be winning these days?

I wake up most mornings thinking the positive thoughts this Squirrel is!  Some days it works and other days it turns out being a same shit different day, day!

I have thought like this before!  I bet most people do?

You gotta keep moving!  It is good for your health!  Even dancing at home for a while, taking a walk, doing house work  or climbing up and down your staircase at least 5 times a day is good.  It helps prevent Alzheimers, cancer and other dreaded diseases.
The opening ceremony of the Para-Olympics in London was just as super as the Olympics Opening Ceremony. You have done well, whoever co-ordinated these ceremonies.

This week's recipe has been posted to my recipe blog. Cake glorious cake

Unfortunately we will now be saying Adios until tomorrow folks!  Have a superb day further but however if you will be flying anywhere with ??? today your day is going to be a another same shit  day!  Good luck!

Signing off


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