"it happens" - forest Gump

"it happens" - forest Gump

Monday 13 August 2012

Monday's Memo

There is nowhere like home?!? Travel is cool but you end up missing your home, bed (I have a really comfortable  one here), food and your own "stuff", after a week or two.  You get your own fridge at home with the food you like to eat in it too, and a big bonus?  a kettle and your other home appliances.  I guess I am too set in my ways?  and I am only 31 (32 in November, but who has to know?)
Meeow?  I agree though, sort of!  No mail please Madge

A trip to France in 2006. My sister Claire on le petit Train.That's Me in the background, I just jumped into the picture when it was being taken by my mom, but hey it worked!

St. Raphael, France, Moi yet again!
Hi all!

How is your Monday?

Did you watch the closing ceremony for the 2012 Olympics last night?  I did, on telly, but I only got into bed at 1:30 this morning!  I was awake again at 7:30 when the Dustbin Truck was outside my bedroom window, then I thought I will just have a quick 30 minutes more, in bed, before I got out of my bed!  Life had other plans?  Two hours later (09:30) I woke up quite startled that it was so late.  There was an angry cat, Romeo, outside the door wanting food!  Maybe he was not angry but it sure looked like he was!  "Hey Romeo, you are cute, but you live next door! So no getting angry with me after I have been in Europe for a month?  Deal or no Deal?!?

Unfortunately that all from me regarding blogging for ajourdoui!  Have a great day further folks!

Signing off...


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