"it happens" - forest Gump

"it happens" - forest Gump

Friday 26 October 2012

yeagh, yeagh, it's Friday


My  Cousin Tania's Restaurant in Molton, England.  Well worth a visit, good food, great people and a good day out was had by all !?!

Romeo, next door's cat asleep on my notebook bag this morning.

A street scene, Amsterdam taken by me a few weeks ago.

Hi all!  How is your day?

I almost got awful weather today!  Maybe I should't have quoted the line from the Anne song on yesterdays blog posts!?! It was cold with rain this morning, but the sun came out at mid day and it quite warm at the moment it is 16:35 at the moment. 

On telly last night was the Heston Blumenthal's
  series where he tries to improve the catering on Sub-marines.  (it was long and hard and full of seamen - the submarine!?!  I do like food but not like that!)  The budget for the catering on British Army subs was the same as that for prisoners a mere 2 pounds 34 pence, well at least when the programme was made it was that.  The same amount budgeted for HMS prisoners.  How awful!  

Mia, next doors pet pig is making quite a few piggy noises at present.  It's interesting living next door to a pig!  

That's  all from me for today folks!  Have a super weekend further all!


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