"it happens" - forest Gump

"it happens" - forest Gump

Saturday 1 September 2012

This story was on Al Jazeera's news this morning too.  Why have they charged the surviving Miners with Murder, when they did not kill their colleagues, but rather the South African Police at the mine that day,killed them?  The 16 year old boy of mistaken identity, who was shot in the head (6 OR 7 TIMES?)by police earlier this year, mother does not have any confidence  in our police force anymore.  She is scared of them.  Aren't we all!  When you are a small child you get taught that the police are there to be trusted when something bad has occurred.  Well bang goes that theory?  

The weather in Cape Town from today until Wednesday. 

Table Mountain one of the world's 7 natural wonders.

Hi all!   How is your first September Saturday?  (It falls on the 1st of this September too!?!)

It was a bit rainy earlier this morning but has mostly been a sunny spring day!  It is a bit cool today though.

I accidentally found a great made for TV movie on MM2 on Sattelite TV this morning, "The Soccer Nanny".
I do not really like watching movies during the daytime but this one was worth being in pyjamas and watching a movie at 9am!

At the Spar Shop in the Paddocks Shopping Centre, whilst shopping there today, I was asked if I would mind having my picture taken promoting cheese!  I do not really like cheese, but the lady promoting it handed me a toothpick with a piece of cheese on it while another lady took my photo!?!  Brings a new meaning to the phrase "say cheese!?"  Hopefully my photo will not end up on the net with the bit of cheese photo shopped out and replaced by a person in the nude. Never let anybody take your photo if you do not know them personally, was the advice on the Real Hustle program.

I must check my blog's email, I haven't done that for months.  Believe or not I get a fair amount of mail from peeps who read my blogs!  Hopefully I have got  no nasty mail, I have only ever had one of those mails!  It is mostly mail from blog readers saying that they love my blogs.   I even got a nice and friendly email from KLM themselves last time I checked my mail in February?  (but was it really them?)

Anyway that is all from moi for today.

Have a wonderful weekend further folks!

Signing off


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