"it happens" - forest Gump

"it happens" - forest Gump

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Tuesday type?

Not very nice the "friend" who took the nude pic of Prince Harry!
This "family portrait" however is hilarious?!?

Our Para-Olympians making us proud "Well done!"

This ship went aground in Blouberg in 2008/2009? but is still a problem as it is now leaking oil.
It's Turkish Owners abandoned the ship and gave up on it years ago, but now it's an environmental disaster. 

More about the abandoned Seli1, claims that environmentalists predicted an oil spill years ago

Gillan Gork, the mentalist, was on Carte Blanche on Sunday!  He drove a car blind fold in this recorded item.  Amazing the things the mind can do!  My Neuro Surgeon wrote a book on this subject related to healing.  The more positive you are the greater your outcome?

Bruges a Belgian town (at least that's the map I tried to put on today's blog post).  My mom is going there with my sisters for a weekend while I am in England.  We watched a program on it on the travel channel and had to buy some Belgian Pralines  from Woolies the next day!

Hi all!  How is your Tuesday?

It is a super sunny day here in Bloubergstrand Today.

I typed a blog post yesterday, saved it and when I went to "publish" it went somewhere but it was not published?  Gremlins?  I hate it when that happens, it takes about an hour for me to create my blog post for a day!  I know I am a bit slow  but hey what the!  Then I just give it all up regarding blog posting for that day, appologies!

Anyway you get double the value, as some of yesterday's blog content is on today's blog post!

There was a very brave man on Carte Blanche on Sunday Night, he claims the miners at Marikana were shot by the police in a pre-meditated execution massacre.  There is apparently evidence that backs up his claim (markings made on rocks by the police prior to their shooting of the miners).  

I checked my blog's email yesterday, and only 1 interesting comment from somebody who really love's my blogs and especially my mention of some airline from Europe.  They had a very bad incident where they cancelled her Business Class ticket and offered no monetary refund.  Me oh my?  All airlines overbook their flights but cancelling a ticket and not refunding the passenger?  Well moving on...

Tomorrow is my penultimate 248 Blouberg Road (St. Luke's Hospice Shop) 3 hour volunteer job until 19 August.  Must arrange a lunch for next week?

Anyway I do apologise  folks but that is all from me for today regarding blogging.  Visit one of my other blogs to see the interesting adverts I found on the web Millionaire? or not your choice!

Signing off

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