"it happens" - forest Gump

"it happens" - forest Gump

Sunday 15 July 2012

Hi all!  How is your Sunday?

The Saucepan Spaghetti recipe I cooked yesterday is excellent.  There is not much preparation involved when making it (this recipe), and it is really tasty and ready in 1 hour from starting it to putting it on the table. Maybe because this recipe is from a children's cookbook and children cannot make really involved recipes?  They get bored, restless and tired?

The rain and cold weather here today, made it a wise decision to miss  church this week, my mom is not too well either, she has flu?  I cannot get there (to the Parish of the Resurrection, Tableview) without her, as I do not drive and I am not taking the bus in the rain and cold weather I will get  sick too?

Talking of viruses, there is one (a virus) on my laptop presently. This virus keeps sending mail to mail recipients in the email address book! My mom received a nasty message, from a man, concerning him getting one of these messages from my mom's email address.  Why some people are rude is anybody's guess.  Like a South African insurance company's ad says on their commercials, "if it's not your fault, it shouldn't be your problem!  True?

The History channel, had a documentary on the Vatican City, last night.  Amazing to think that there are over 1 billion Catholics in the world! I wonder if Romeo, the cat from next door who visits me every day almost all day these days, is catlick too? (He, Romeo, spends a lot of the day licking himself, and he is a cat! cat the "joke"?)    Does he think that my home is his new home?  We really like him but pets are not easy if you go away at least once a year for a a while! 

Unfortunately this is the bit where I type that I am all blogged out for today!  Have a super duper Sunday further folks.

Signing off all of my blogs for this cold, wet and overcast Sunday Afternoon. (not a day with sun, so is today still called Sunday? )


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