"it happens" - forest Gump

"it happens" - forest Gump

Sunday 16 September 2012

up up and away?

A global citizen?  I have been to some, but not all of the places on this footprint.  A clever Ad by a foreign Exchange provider, Bidvest Bank? This ad was in a local newspaper months ago, when we first found out about our trip to Europe this year.  So you see I plan what is going to be put on my blog postings and when it will appear!  Sad?  but it keeps me busy (my blogs) and hopefully I will get paid from Ad Dynamo when I reach my R100 threshold. I have R23-77 from all my blog postings since January this year!  Nothing at all really!

Hi y'all!

How is your Sunday?

It is a really hot and sunny day here in the Western Cape today, 30 degrees C at mid day, is today's weather forecast, I am wearing shorts and a T-shirt, no winter woolies today! I will have a coat and trousers on this evening though.

I checked in yesterday at 5pm for my flight to AMS (Amsterdam).  Seats 11D and 11E here we come!  No cancelled seat booking this time!  Looking forward to seeing the family tomorrow mid-morning!

Romeo, next door's cat got lucky today, he has some nice cooked chicken for his food today, as it will only have to be thrown away if he doesn't eat it.  Eat up day!  Three apples, a banana - oops I ate it for breakfast  so that's gone, a bit of milk, some water and other stuff left in the fridge!

Well unfortunately that is all from me for today folks.  My blogs are taking a bit of a holiday, as I will not have my laptop with me.  The more you take with you when you travel, the more you  have to be concerned wether or not you have left it somewhere?  No!!?

Have a superb Sunday further folks!

Signing off


Saturday 15 September 2012

Saturday's story

Hi all!  How is your Saturday?

It is a super sunny and warm (30 degrees C) here today.

It is nearly time to check-in for my flight tomorrow night to Amsterdam.  In the "old" days of air travel you used to have to re-confim your flight booking 24 hours prior to your flight.  Online check-in is based on that idea, only instead of calling a call centre you do it yourself on the web.  (booking confirmation)  It helps the airlines know how many seats are left to sell on your flight!  It also reduces the number of handling agents required to do the check in at the check in desks!  This saves the airlines money, and you think yeewho I got to choose my seat and print my boarding pass!  My seats are already confirmed 11D & 11E the same as last year but our return seat booking from Amsterdam was not in the "system" on our flight home to Cape Town. We had to go into Schipol Airport and do it with a booking agent on the self service check in thingee!  A very nice KLM man assisted us he was so friendly and made the "problem" easier to solve.  When a nice person assists you you think goodness somebody does give a!  So you see they are not all rude and unpleasant at ??? Journeys of inspiration.

Royals Sue Magazine Over Kate Topless Photos

Internet dating seems to have gone bad!  No nude pics please, or they might end up on the www according to BBC Click this morning.

Anyway that's all for today folks!  Have a super day further.

Signing off


Friday 14 September 2012

I am rating my flights this year and will put my rating on this blog,
I doubt wether the service on offer, the personality of the cabin crew or the cr?p aircraft configuration will have improved since my last journey of inspiration but hey I believe in fairness and accurate information so let’s see maybe KLM will have improved since the last 8 flights I have taken with them!

I have quite a few FB friends, will they all be at my funeral?

News for kate middleton

Sydney Morning Herald

  1. Kate Middleton topless photos: with camera phones and drone technology, soon no one will be safe

    Telegraph.co.uk (blog)‎ - 35 minutes ago
    Photos of the Duchess will be published in a French magazine This morning, the nation awoke to the revelation that the Duchess of Cambridge...

    Hi all!  How is your Friday?

    It is a lovely sunny and warm day here in Bloubergstrand today.

    What is next door's cat, Romeo, going to do while I am away?  He saw the packed suitcases today, so I think he might have an idea that I will soon be going somewhere!  Maybe it's the scent on the bags you have used on previous trips but they do say that pets can detect when their humans are going away?!?  No need to put him in a cattery thank goodness!  I used to walk dog's with my friend and neighbour, Rose, but sadly she died of cancer, so I have not walked dogs since 2008?  They are so pleased to be walked shelter dogs or at least that is what I observed.  The cats in the cattery always made me want to cry!  (what a nerd I am!)

    Why is there so much cancer in the world these days?  I think cellphones and wi-fi might have something to do with it?  The link has never been proven but like Eamon Holmes said on SkyNews a few weeks ago, there will probably be a link found one day!
    Both my sisters have wi-fi in their homes  in Amsterdam and I always feel a tad bit too hot and sick in their homes!  (nothing personal before my upcoming accommodation there gets cancelled!)  Central heating maybe?  If I get too hot or cold I feel like that too, but that I think is from the Radiation Therapy I received in 1997!  It was quite few years ago, but they do say radiation never leaves your body.  I used to be able to interfere with a radio if I walked past it!    I did receive the maximum amount of radiation therapy allowed on a person.  (I think it worked?)

    Anyway moving on... I am looking forward to seeing my family again.  It's been a few months since I saw my sister Claire(April this year) and my Aunty Margaret (November 18 last year, I remember because it was 3 days before my Birthday), who I am staying with in Scarborough for 10? days.  My sister, Helen and my nephews Maxi and Simi 1 year and a month?

    Anyway that is all from moi pour ajourdoui.  Have a superb day further folks!



Thursday 13 September 2012



Hi all! How is your Thursday?

My other Pro-Formance  Balance band stopped working about 6 months ago.  (when the hologram changes from silver to brown apparently they have stopped working)   I got a new one from Total Sports in Bayside Shopping Mall today.  My old one cost R350 but the band I bought today was only R99 for the exact same thing!  They had R100 off their original price of R199 too at Total Sports today. So why were these bands so much more expensive when I bought one direct from the Marketers/Manufacturers of this band system ,the first time?  Go figure?

Some of it's benefits!  I won't be standing on my hands, like the lady!

Right I have packed and done all the other pre-flight checks?!?  Got travel insurance, gifts and other stuff,  Ready for take off!

It has been a miserable cloudy day here, a bit cold too, perfect European beach weather?

A quote to inspire?  "Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breathe away!"  Fantastic!

If you are answering the phone, never assume whether the caller is a sir or a ma'am!  I got called ma'am when I called the Sportman's Warhouse in West Coast Village this morning to enquire if they sold any energy conducting wrist bands!  They lost out on the sale!

Very exciting, I will get to see my family who live 9000 plus km away on Monday morning.

BBC Knowledge last night featured the Chagos islands.  I had never heard of them before last night!  They are near Mauritius in the Indian Ocean and all the people who lived on these islands were forced off the island and sent to Mauritius to live so that a Naval Base could be created there!  Awful!!!

The Chagos islands: the British government's recipe for dehumanisation

By Rosemary Ekosso
July 11, 2007

An innate sense of racial superiority
A god complex.

Start in 17th and 18th century
First, uproot people from their homeland
Enslave them or otherwise press them into demeaning service
Then ignore them until a rich and powerful country wants their land
Next, turn your beady eye on this land, viewing the human inhabitants as an inconvenient weed on potentially lucrative real estate
Weed the natives out, referring to them as "Tarzan and Man Friday", thus playing up racist stereotypes of savages who should be divested of their land because you are better at exploiting it.
Then lease the island to the rich and powerful nation in exchange for an 11 million pound discount on Polaris missiles.
Then lie about it all.

These are the bare bones. Now, let's flesh it out.

The Chagos islands

Well unfortunately that is all from for today y'all.  Have a Terrific Thursday further folks!

Signing off


Wednesday 12 September 2012


Good Bye St. Luke's Hospice shop see you in a month and a few days time!

Better than a pony?

So many people put photos of their pets on Facebook.  They are part of the family?  My tips on how to have a good flight suggest you pin a picture of a loved one on the seat back of the seat in front of you!  You won't be a popular fellow passenger if you do that?!?  When I stand up from my seat on an aircraft I always have to touch the headrest of the seat in front of me.  The looks you get from the person sitting in that seat!(If looks could kill?)  Perhaps a business Class upgrade for my mom and I would be a good idea ???  We have paid extra for your economy plus seats already.  You do not get much value out of the ??? Economy plus section!  No improved food  (Cathay Pacific offers this), an amenities bag (on most airlines you get one even in normal economy class) or friendly cabin crew (you can't have it all?)
Anyway moving on...
Hi all!  How is your Wednesday?

It has been a cloudy day here in Bloubergstrand (home) and Tableview Today (shop). It is a bit cold too!

I said Good Bye for a month and a few days to my fellow workers at the charity shop today.  Who knew I was that liked?  Maybe they were doing the Good Bye and Good Luck thing I posted to my blog a few days ago.  ("Good Bye and Good Luck, and when I say Good Bye and Good luck I really mean f u!")  Some of the shoppers wished me a pleasant journey too.  Louise (a shopper I know well) told me Air Mune I am busy completing a course of is brilliant and she also takes it before she flies too.

I got a pleasant message on face book  yesterday from Marion Dunsford-White  (she was my German teacher at St. John's College) apparently she really likes my blogs!  Ich Danken Sie sehr Frau Dunsford-White.  Always good to know your blog amuses somebody!  It must amuse a few peeps out there?  I have had almost 10 000 views of all of my blog posts since January last year.

I do realize I am not very well liked by a certain percentage of people out there in this big wide world, but remember folks my blog, my rules, my opinions, my views and like the saying says words can never hurt me, so anybody who does not like me, am I bothered?  Bothered am I?

Lunch at Doodles this afternoon was cancelled until my return.

It was the anniversary of 9/11 yesterday.  Rest in peace all who had an untimely departure from this world.

Sorry to disappoint anybody but this is the bit where I say "that's all for today folks!"  Have a pleasant day further y'all.

Signing off


Tuesday 11 September 2012


My little run around?

 I had a facial this morning .for the last time before my European Adventure.  If you are looking for any Spa treatment I recommend Rejuva Spa.  Great place, clean, relaxing and a pleasant environment Spa

Hi all!  How is your Tuesday?

It is a super sunny day here in the Cape Today.  Not too warm but you can't have it all?

I am all packed and ready to go on Sunday night at midnight!  What a stupid flight time? Everyone is tired so late at night.  The 777 arrives after an 11 and a half hour flight from Amsterdam and leaves around two hours later.  Not long enough to properly service the aircraft before its next epic flight! Not to mention walk around inspections not being as thorough at night, as they are done with a flashlight and small cracks or problems with an aircraft cannot be visually detected.  Wait a few hours is my suggestion.  Pay for a few hours of aircraft parking?  The cabin crew might not be as miserable if they did not have to fly at midnight and serve dinner at 2 am.  Anyway just a suggestion use it or don't!  before I get mail!?!

moving on... Mom and I met one of my neighbours I have never ever talked to before,  today at Eden on the Bay.  A very nice lady.  Hopefully we will meet again one day?  I believe that you meet people in life for a reason?  It is not just a random thing?  I might be wrong but what the!

Tomorrow is my last 248 Blouberg Road (St. Luke's Hospice shop) "job"  until my return in October.  So it's off to lunch at Doodles tomorrow after the 3 hour morning volunteers shift we go.  (there is usually about 7 volunteers on the Wednesday morning shift in the shop itself, Pam, Ann, Pat, Rita, Gillian, Sylvia, and Me.  Then there's Brenda, Linda, Annetjie, Rose,Yvonne, Edward, Stuart, Colin, Lucky and Hendrik.  Quite a few staff member 80 odd in total, mostly unpaid but doing the job because they are in some way helping out in this world of ours.  What would the world be like without people helping others?

Well that's all the pearls of wisdom from me for this Tuesday Afternoon.  Have a Terrific Tuesday further folks!

Signing off for all my blogs 


Monday 10 September 2012

Magical Monday?


I love kayaking I last did it in Mauritius, in 2005, too long ago!?!

Smoking anything banned here, not just pipes,  (well in my home anyway!)

Wild flowers growing outside the Blouberg Library, I took this pic this morning.  No need to go to Pater Noster yesterday?  It was raining and cold yesterday so all the wild flowers were hiding?

Me today picking the stories to place on today's blog posts from the Argus Newspaper

My My a bit of a spat?
Hi all!  How is your Monday?

It is a super sunny and not too cold here in Bloubergstrand/Melkbostrand today.

I had my hair cut at 11am this morning.  I was thinking the time was significant as next week Monday at 11 am I still have about half an hours flight left on a 777 from Cape Town.  It is inhumane to expect people to be on an aircraft for that many hours?  Any flight that is over 4 hours is way too long?

Anyway now that I have typed and added the pics I wanted to put on today's blog postings I will say adios, nos vidanye and have a Marvelous Monday further folks!

Signing off


Sunday 9 September 2012

Hi all!  How is your Sunday?

The beach infront of the Restaurant in Pater Noster.  Where I had lunch this afternoon.

I bought this on Friday for my flight to Amsterdam next Sunday Night.  I always put loads of moisturiser on my body prior to a long haul flight, it is recommended as a way to stop your body losing moisture during a long haul flight.  You arrive feeling better!  Well that is the theory anyway!

It has been raining here in the Western Cape most of today.  I awoke to an overcast morning and it started raining!  There is a very grey sky at the moment but no rain at present.  Mom, Marti (Mom has known Marti  (Martha) since 1976 when they worked at the same company in Vereeniging!  Funny how they both met in the Cape years later (Canal walk shopping Centre by accident, life is planned?)and I went down the west coast today to see the wild flowers but it was raining so not too many flowers to see.  We saw a few Giraffes at a wild life santuary on the way back from Pater Noster.  What amazing creatures, such a long neck and humans and giraffes have the exact same number of bones in their necks!

We had a  super lunch in Pater Noster.  I was talking a bit to the owner while the ladies were in the powder room and I was standing at the reception counter waiting for them.  When I said she has a super dining establishment and I am going to write about it on today's blog post she said "take our business card!"  I declined the offer, no such thing as free advertising? but if I like your place/or service you offer you will get an automatic mention on my blog posting for the day!  (WITH OVER 800 BLOG VIEWS ON ALL MY 9 BLOGS I GUESS YOU WILL GET KNOWN?)

Anywho?, that is all from me for today regarding blogging for today folks, have a superb Sunday further!

Signing off


Saturday 8 September 2012

Saturday that is

There is always somebody watching you make a cock of yourself?

The winners of my service blog award for this week

One of the dishes I cooked yesterday.  It is really simple to make?
Hi all have a fantastic Saturday from me in a Sunny and warmish Bloubergstrand, Western Cape South Africa.

Signing off


Friday 7 September 2012

Friday fun?

Hi folks! How is your Friday?

It is a super sunny and not too cold day here in Blouberg today.

I started my Air Mune effervescent tablets this morning!  I must take them for 10 days including the day on which I fly to Amsterdam.  They taste not too bad for that sort of thing, an orangey lemon flavour.

How depressing?  I went with mom to her Orthotist appointment again today and while there we were  discussing if there are any solutions to my left leg problem.  There is a caliper!  God I will look lovely with that?!?  He described my condition I have had with my left leg, since 1997 to a T!  When I get tired it hurts and drags slightly!  That is why I book Passanger Assistance with KLM, I do not want another one of their pursers trying to be the hero and tell me I am drunk and need to be deboarded for the safety of the passengers and crew!  Please I DO NOT DRINK!  I have never liked alcohol it is the taste and it burns my stomach!  

Don't go chasing Waterfalls listen to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to!

I am cooking fish in foil and baked apples for dinner tonight.  The first baked apple I ever had was on a Lufthansa flight when I was 4or5.  I love baked apples with a bit of custard. Lovely!  I really like cooking too.

On that positive idea I will sign off for today.  Have a wonderful weekend further folks.


Thursday 6 September 2012

no no no

Seems Woolies is no longer popular!  People on fb want us to stop shopping there!  Why?

Hi all!  How is your day?

It is a super sunny day here in Bloubergstrand today.  The birds are chirping and the wild flowers are blooming there is even some of them in the garden at my home (yellow wild flowers and sometimes birds!)!  It is amazing how the birds and wind distribute these seeds!  Isn't nature marvellous?

Air Nigeria suspends operations, sacks staff

  Thank goodness my reservation to Amsterdam is not with them?

They (Avia Airlines) went bankrupt a few months after starting their JNB (Johannesburg) to
LGW (London Gatwick APT) flights.
I took this pic in Mallorca last year.  Why was this in Spain?  Egypt is the right place for  this statue?

The Swiss Alps
Have a great day further folks.

Signing off

